Thursday, November 11, 2010

Six Hours To Paradise: One Woman's Epic Tale of Bravery & Perseverence

Alternative title:
Highway to Hell! One Woman's Epic Tale of Stupidity, Insanity, and Frozen Feet

Follow the link to the document. Sorry, this was a massively long story and it was easier to make a word document and then embed it here.

Six Hours to Paradise


  1. Hi Nina,

    I couldn't read the whole entry, only pages 1-4. Want to know what happens next!


  2. Hi Nina,

    I couldn't read the whole entry, only pages 1-4. Want to know what happens next!


  3. Hi Cynthia. Thanks for reading! When I tried to view the document from my phone, I could only see 4 pages like you. On my home PC, I was able to view the entire doc. I was logged out, so it was definitely not an issue of being signed in...

    I will ask around tomorrow and see if I can find a solution. The second half is the best part, of course!

    Happy Spin, Nina
