Friday, January 2, 2009

Commentary is open!

My mom pointed out that I didn't have the correct settings for the commentary posts...this is fixed and presently anyone can leave a comment. Aren't you excited? She also complained that my "science of taste" background is boring and that she didn't really read it...nice. I forget that not everyone is a fan of biochemistry (so shocking!); so don't you fret, it'll be more interesting in the future.

Hope you all had a great holiday! I think thi
s was my best one yet. My friend Jane had a house party; or rather a dance party in her house as it turned out. One of my favorite moments was when I decided to do the Thriller dance (look for the pix on FB). Also, after the ball dropped I decided we should all take to the streets and dance around in homage to the great Phillies Parade Day when everyone took to the streets and made merry (all day AND all night long, awww yeah). No, we didn't ignite any fires or throw chairs through the sporting goods stores, but there was much revelry. Another bonus (for me at least) was that my good friend Cristin got stuck here in Philly. she's one of those crazies traveling on the Eve and of course the flight got canceled because of the blizzard in Boston. Bad for her, but good for me as it's always great to have an old-friend-connection unexpectedly join in the festivities. Today was equally as great: late wakeup, watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, then went out to the Wiss with Emily for some trail running. Afterwards, we stopped in Manayunk at the Burrito Bar and then headed back to her house to warm up with some hot apple cider while watching Teen Wolf (gotta love that M.J. Fox). Perfect day.

Compare this to other years when I would watch the 24 hour marathon of the 3 stooges at my parents house or tag along at one of my sister's parties. I never really felt the spirit of the New Year before and I certainly had never screamed out the count down as robustly.

s to all my new and old friends for making the evening so special...I feel pretty lucky!

I highly recommend "taking it to the streets" if a chance should ever present itself. So freeing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nina, Thanks for heeding my advice; this commentary was so much more fun to read than the science of taste! I like your idea about investigating some of the little known funky eateries in Philly. Talk to you soon...M..
